
UV Ballasts

UV ballasts and special application ballasts are used for ultraviolet lamps.

Our ballasts (chokes) are part of the best sun tanning beds and industrial UV applications in the world. We produce a wide range of ballasts that are suitable for UV lamps and special application lamps from 4 to 2000 W. We are using two main shapes standard and block (HID).

Most used ballast types for tanning beds

  • DW 530-100
  • DFX 530-160
  • UV 530-180
  • UV 530-200
  • UV 530-225
  • UV 530-400

Other types for different regions (line voltage and frequency) are available. We can customize or develop any new model according to our client’s specifications.

Lamp types

There are many variations of low-pressure tanning lamps and high-pressure tanning lamps. UV spectrum is about 5% UVB and about 95% UVA.